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  • Writer's pictureTammy Hamlin

Trendy Thrift Makeovers

There’s no denying that during the pandemic some of us have been short on cash, entertainment, and things to occupy our minds. Me, well, I have experienced all of the above. When my uncle introduced me to antiquing, it was just what was needed in my life. It required me to get out, talk to people, and do my favorite thing, save money.

Can we admit there is a stigma about going to thrift stores? Stop it!! They are amazing. My motto when i thrift shop is “New to Me”. It may be a used item but I have never had it. It may not cost retail price, and that’s ok. Maybe I won’t like it, so the guilt over the money spent doesn’t exist.

Thrifting began with the search for treasures. It ended being a way for me to achieve goals for my home. Again, we are in a pandemic and furniture can be on back order, and marked up tremendously high. As I walked through my local Good Will I began to see items that I could transform.

My spare time is now filled with purpose. My purse is still filled with money because I paid little of nothing for the items.

It became clear to me that with a little time and some patience I could have what I wanted along with the accomplished feeling knowing my hard work made it possible.

Be creative, think outside of the box, make your desire a reality. I’m no carpenter and my know how does have limits, but when I want something I am able to learn quickly. Updating the look of my home is no longer a dreadful task. Thrifting has brought me a joy I wasn’t expecting.

Used items can become statement pieces in your home. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to draw attention.

No matter if it’s your local thrift store, Facebook Market Place, or OfferUp, you can make the old new again in time. Try it and let me know how it turns out.

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