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  • Writer's pictureTammy Hamlin

Entryway Closet Makeover

Who else has gotten caught up in the home decor frenzy? Since the beginning of the Covid crisis, everyone, no matter their income bracket has been trying to save their coins. We have been attempting to save money on things like groceries, everyday essentials, and decor.

As an avid thrifter, I have seen first hand how the selections have changed in the second hand stores. All of the "super finds" are gone because there are more people catching on to the savings and practicality of thrifting. No worries though, things don't end because of this. I'm going to show you how you can still Design for Dollars and not be in debt.

If you have an older home, chances are you have an entryway closet. I bet this closet is a drop zone for anything and everything. I know mine was. My decision to makeover my closet wasn't simply for appearances. It forced me to purge and organize items from the closet. Also, it prevents future clutter from happening. It's a win win for me.

Let's get to my process. I'm no interior designer. So I went straight to the internet to find out what I wanted and how to achieve it.

All the pics I saw online involved a bench type mudroom. Benches are nice but I wanted something I could change with my moods. That's why I opted for a traditional chair and side table. Oh, and let not forget that it involved no bluilding. A huge plus!

on to the next steps of cleaning and prepping the space.

This was a simple task for me.

-remove shelf

-remove sliding door parts

-paint support boards

-paint existing shelf

-place new items

The final product was more than pleasing to me. If I must be honest, this project came about because I was tired of being forced to sit on the steps to put on or take off shoes. A nice seating area was all I wanted. Somewhere for guests to hang their coats without me having to say "Please excuse my closet."

Now, I will get to the part you're interested to know. How much did it cost? Well here you go:

Storage Cubes- Purchased from Facebook Marketplace for $50 for 3 storage cubes.

Decorative books - Purchased from the Goodwill. They were painted white using acrylic paint I already had.

Decorations: Artificial plant, white bowl, gold bowl, gold vase, and decorative pillow from Goodwill $30.

Umbrella holder: Amazon $17

Everything else was already in my house not being used. Under $100 transformed my closet and made my entryway more modern.

Take it from me, you can do it on a budget and for less money than you would think.

Peace and Love to you all.


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