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  • Writer's pictureTammy Hamlin

Rise and Shine

BREAKFAST, the word is straight to the point. You are “breaking” the “fast” that you went through the night before. This is why it’s the most important meal of the day. It’s the meal that fuels the start of your day. Many of us skip breakfast, grab a granola bar or some toast, and maybe even stop through your local coffee shop for a cup of Joe and a bite to eat. No worries, we’ve all been there.

When my kids were young, and I had to get up, and get them and myself ready. Breakfast wasn’t a big deal. It was cereal every morning. My poor husband didn’t get a meal at all. Things are very different now.

Showing my family I love them is my main goal. Every bite they take should feel like a big from me. Mornings are special now. I’m home and not rushed to get out of the door. My time can be spent preparing a breakfast fit for royalty. Well, maybe that royalty thing is only on the weekends.

A quick and easy breakfast that my family loves when the weather begins to cool off is what I like to call Loaded Grits. All the toppings of a baked potato incorporated into a wonderful breakfast dish.

This is a cooking beginner friendly dish. Let’s get started with what you’ll need.

Begin by preparing grits per package instructions. The amount of the ingredients seen in the pic is only for 2 servings.

While the grits are cooking, I popped four slices of bacon in the microwave to cook. Take the grease from the cooked bacon and pour it in a skillet to use to cook the onions for about 5 mins on medium heat until they are almost translucent.

Once the grits are ready turn off heat and transfer onions to the pot with the grits. Add pepper, cheese, and bacon then stir grits until the cheese is melted.

Normally I add green onion once I’ve put each serving into a bowl but, of course I’m out of that particular veggie. It was still delicious.

Give this morning meal meal a try. Send me pics of your final results to

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